I am overjoyed to report that Ada Sagi, the mother of my constituent Noam, has been released and is now with her loving family.
This is the result we were hoping for. We have worked hard, lobbying everyone in government that we could, to secure Ada's release.
Once she is able to rest, recover and receive any treatment she needs following this unimaginable trauma, I look forward to meeting Ada and celebrating her birthday as those celebrations have been on hold until she returns.
The recent release of many hostages from Gaza, in addtion to the many Palestinian woman and children released from Israeli jails, shows us exactly what a negotiated peace process can look like.
I urge both sides to work towards an extended negotiated ceasefire; to allow for the further release of hostages, for those held without trial in Israeli jails to be released and for more aid to get into Gaza. It is vital that we move this conflict forward and revitalise the diplomatic process, so that we may secure for both sides an enduring and lasting peace in the region.