Wow! Rishi Sunak has only gone and called a General Election. 

It's finally happening! After 14 years of chaos and corruption the Tories have finally called a General Election for 4th July.

Let's face it, we have been asking for it.. now is the time.. so lets do this!!!

I'm fighting for a just and more equal society. Help me stand up for the NHS, take action on climate change and combat racism. Your donation helps meet the cost of vital activities like leaflet printing, phone banking and travel for activists.

Just to put it in to perspective:

  • £5 will give us mobile credit to call voters.
  • £10 will give us campaign materials for door knocking.
  • £50 will give us 100s of posters to go up in constituents’ windows.
  • £100 will give us some correx boards to go up in peoples front gardens.
  • £150 will give us leaflets to deliver a whole ward in the constituency.
  • £300 will give us outcards to use through the election.
  • £1,500 will give us enough to get a leaflet to every home in the constituency.

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